Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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4 Easy Ways to Elevate Perception of Your Brand

It’s never been easier to launch a business, and that’s not always a positive thing. In a rush to launch, many new business owners forget to put a few pieces in place that can impact how potential customers perceive the brand. While this isn’t a catastrophe, it’s important to think about it — after all, you only get one chance to make a positive impression. If your business doesn’t yet have all the trimmings expected of a professional, trustworthy brand, then it’ll be time to take action. Let’s take a look at some of the easiest ways to nudge brand perception in the right direction.

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok

Invest In Your Digital Look

Your digital presence will most likely be the first point of contact for potential customers. So take a look: what would they say, and what would their impression be? If your website is low-quality and looks to have been hastily put together, then it won’t matter how good your actual products are: they’ll be unlikely to stick around to find out. If you’re not sure how to put together a great website, then hand the job over to a website designer. They’ll be able to create a site that grabs and holds your visitor’s attention. 

Upgrade Your Packaging

Remember that it’s not just the quality of your products that counts, but also the quality of the packaging that they arrive in. Think, for example, of buying a pair of shoes. You probably wouldn’t be impressed if they arrived in a plastic bag. Your packaging should both ensure that your products arrive safely and reflect your brand ethos. Look at buying quality packaging and work with a printing website to get branded stickers to put on the front. These simple steps can show your customers that the business is professional and well-thought-out. 

Share Your Knowledge

Competition for customers is pretty fierce these days, and to bring more on board, you need to show that you’re an expert in your field. They’re unlikely to assume that you’re the best around, so tell them! One relatively affordable way to do this is to share your expertise. For instance, you could host informative how-to guides on your website, or produce video tutorials for how to get the most from your products. This will help demonstrate that you’re not just out to make a quick buck by selling products that you know nothing about, but that you’re an expert. 

Offer a Variety of Contact Options

Small, new businesses often don’t have the same level of employees as larger operations. In fact, in many cases, there’s just a single worker — the employee. Still, despite these limitations, it’s important to think about how your customers can contact you when they have a problem, which they will at some point or another. Look at putting a phone number, email address, and physical address (if possible) on your website. Even if a customer doesn’t need to contact you at the moment, it’ll still be reassuring to see that they could if they need to.