Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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5 Easy Rules to Follow for Healthy Hair

Caring for your hair is an on-going process, which requires a solid routine. With the right information and a good plan you can keep on top of it with ease. So, let’s dive into five easy rules for you to follow to help keep your hair in fabulous condition. Say bye-bye to dull drabness, and hello to lusciousness! 

5 easy rules to follow for healthy hair

1. Don’t over wash you hair

While it may seem an obvious thing to do to keep your hair clean and healthy, over-washing can actually do more harm than good. That’s because an excessive use of shampoo can strip your locks of the natural oils that they need to stay in good shape. And that can leave your hair lacking in luster. Not what we want.

It’s also key to establish your hair type, to make sure that you’ve got the right type of product when you do clean it. Anyone with high hair porosity, for example, will want to avoid heavy shampoos and go for something that’s gentler. So, figure out what type of hair you have, and wash every other day as a maximum. Whether you’ve got low, medium or high hair porosity that’ll help you get the best results, both in the short- and long-term.

2. Brush Regularly

In addition to limiting the amount of times you wash your hair per week, regular brushing is vital for healthy hair. When you take a brush to your locks you’ll be able to untangle any knots and spread natural oils. On top of that, brushing can increase oxygen flow to the scalp, which can help stimulate follicles and boost growth.  

3. Avoid Excessive Heat

Whether it’s in the form of stylers or dryers, too much heat can leave your hair frazzled, dry and damaged. It’s best to let your hair dry naturally or pat with a towel, rather than blasting it with your dryer. There will be times when you’re in a rush of course, and that’s fine, just make sure you use the heat tools sparingly and turn down the temperature when you can.

4. Get Regular Trims

As if you didn’t need any encouragement to go and see your stylist! Well, you can add hair care to style when you’re weighing up whether or not you should take a trip to the salon. With regular visits any weak or frayed ends can be snipped away, giving your hair the chance to regenerate and stay in great shape. And your stylist will also be able to offer you plenty tips to help you care for your specific hair type; Learn More here.

5. Stick to a regular routine

Establishing a hair care regime is one thing but being consistent and sticking with it is the major takeaway here. Once you’ve found what works it’s a lot easier to do the right things, and when you get into good habits it’s much easier to look after your locks on a regular basis. 

Follow these simple rules and look forward to fabulous hair!
