Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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5 Fun Ways to Embrace Your Inner Child (And Why You Should)

Remember those carefree days of racing toy cars on the living room floor or building whimsical castles out of blocks? Life might've tossed responsibilities and bills your way, but let's be real: the little kiddo inside is still there, waiting for playtime. Embracing your inner child isn't just a catchy phrase – it's a one-way ticket to happiness, creativity, and a stress-less life. So, without further ado, let's dive into why and how you should let that younger you shine through!

The Why's of Embracing Your Inner Child:

1. Laughter is the Best Medicine

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch

Honestly, when was the last time you had a good belly laugh? Kids laugh hundreds of times a day, while adults... not so much. Yet, laughing boosts endorphins, decreases stress hormones, and just makes you feel darn good.

2. Creativity Skyrockets

Remember when a cardboard box was a spaceship or when your bathtub was actually the open seas, complete with threats of shark attack at any moment? Tapping into that imaginative prowess can boost problem-solving skills and innovation in everyday tasks, thus making you more effective at work, and when doing any creative hobbies you may enjoy.

3. Stress? What's That?

Playing and being carefree, even for just a few moments, can be a fantastic stress buster. So, if you need to relax, think: What would five-year-old me do?

Ways to Channel That Inner Kiddo:

1. Toys, Toys, Toys

Let’s start here because, well, toys are awesome! Dust off your old toy box or invest in some quirky desk toys. Lego sets aren't just for the young ones – building a complex Lego model can be therapeutic and rewarding for adults too. Or how about those fidget toys? They're not just trendy; they can genuinely help with concentration and relaxation. And you know what, even if you just want to mess around playing with the LOL Surprise dolls your kid is obsessed with collecting, that will be great for lowering your stress levels too. Kee the judgments out of it!

2. Art Time

Grab those crayons, markers, and paints and add them to your wellness arsenal. There’s nothing like a splash of color to take you back to your glory days where you could color just for fun without the need to be creatively innovative or perfectly skilled. Plus, adult coloring books? They're a thing, and they're spectacular.

3. Move it, Move it

Dance like no one's watching. Or better yet, like your toddler-self would, with wild abandon. If dancing isn't your jam, jump on a trampoline, play catch, or simply spin around until you’re dizzy (maybe stay off social media during this experiment).

4. Play Dress Up

Who said costumes are only for Halloween? Wear that tiara while vacuuming or don those superhero socks for your next big meeting. Fashion is fun; make it so!

5. Daydream

Amidst the hustle and bustle, take a few moments to just dream. Imagine, fantasize, and let your mind wander. It's a mini-vacation for your brain that will help you to de-stress and get some motivation back for life on the whole!

So, you busy bee, next time you feel swamped or overwhelmed, take a play-break. Embracing your inner child is less about age and more about attitude. It’s about letting go, enjoying the moment, and, most importantly, having fun. Stop being so serious!

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