Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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6 Easy Ways to Save Water at Home

Water is one of the most essential elements of life. The human body cannot last more than eight days without water. However, we tend to forget that water is not an infinite commodity. If we waste the water we have now, future generations might not survive. Managing your water correctly at home can also prevent your utility bills from skyrocketing. Here are a few easy ways to save more water at home. 

Turn off the water while brushing or shaving

Once you have wet your toothbrush or razor, there is no need to leave the tap running. You will only be wasting precious gallons of water that you could use later. Instead, you could fill a glass halfway to rinse your mouth after you spit or place a stopper in the sink to hold water to rinse your razor. The same principle applies as you rinse your soapy dishes. 

Spend less time in the shower

Did you know that a four-minute shower uses about 20-40 gallons of water? Now imagine if four people in the same household took a shower lasting five minutes each. An effective way to save water at home would be to take shorter showers. You could either set a two-minute timer or install water-saving showerheads. It will reduce the amount of water you use by half.

Always place a bottle of water in the fridge 

You might be tempted to let the tap water run until it cools enough to drink on a hot day. However, this habit is wasteful and will only cause a spike in your water bills. It would be wise to fill a bottle with water and let it cool to always have chilled water to drink. 

Invest in water softeners 

If you live in an area with hard water, you can use water softeners to help you save water. Unfortunately, hard water doesn’t lather well with soap, forcing you to use more water and soap to clean your clothes. Bathing with hard water is also a challenge because it leaves sticky scum on your body, which you will need to rinse off with more water. 

Inspect plumbing for leaks

Leakages in your home can cause you to waste a staggering 100 gallons of water per day. Ensure you check the pipes under your sink for leaks and promptly fix them. You could also check if your toilet is leaking by placing a few food coloring drops in the water tank. If you see colored water in the bowl, you will know your toilet is leaking. 

Run the dishwasher and washing machine on full loads 

If you set your washing machine to run in the permanent press cycle, it uses an extra 20 liters of water to rinse the clothes completely. Therefore, it would be best to do your laundry only when you have a full load of dirty clothes. Running your dishwasher when you have a handful of dirty dishes is also pretty wasteful, as the machine will use the same amount of water to clean a full load of dishes.  

Experts reveal that by 2024, at least 40 states will experience water shortages. Since we would not like to suffer this fate, we should do our best to conserve this precious commodity. It would also help to educate your neighbors, friends, and loved ones on the importance of saving water.

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Cover Photo Credit: Photo by mrjn Photography on Unsplash

Additional references:

How To Clean A Dishwasher - Roto - rooter

Service Titan - Plumbing Softwear