Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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Eat Clean Meal Prep

Have I talked about food and healthy eating here on the blog yet? I don’t really think I have… but that is about to change!! I don’t have a strict diet, but I do like to eat clean and healthy with an occasional splurge here and there. I love food in general and I feel like a balance and good relationship with food will lead to living a more healthy life.

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to try out meals from Eat Clean Meal Prep!! I chose their vegetarian and vegan option for the week and it was interesting. I typically do eat plant based with meat here and there, but during the meal prep week I challenged myself to not eat meat at all. I actually felt really good after and want to make it more of a habit and lifestyle change for me to cut meat out of my life even more.

Eat Clean Meal Prep has all different options to choose from depending on what you prefer. They are organic, have plant based packaging and deliver all over San Diego County. They will deliver right to you and everyone is super sweet. From the emails and online service, they made sure to keep me updated with what was going on with my order.

Check out their options >>>> Here

With my meals I received:

*Breakfast (I received a variety of Over Night Oats, which is so good for on the go!! I took one to work with me every morning.)


*A few Salads (The Quinoa Salad was my favorite)

*Dinner (The Indian Paneer my was favorite)

*Seasonings, which came in handy.

I learned that I am not a fan of Tempeh!!! But you know what it is always good to try something different. I love that Eat Clean Meal Prep has so many options to choose from, so if there is something that you don’t necessarily like, you don’t have to pick that option again. The Salads were jam packed and I really liked them. I loved the juice options that they sent over as well. I am a juice and smoothie girl, so that was extra special. All of the meals had great flavor and you could tell that everything was made with fresh ingredients!!

If you are in the San Diego area you should definitely give them a try!!!

Thank you so much Eat Clean Meal Prep for allowing me to give your service a try!!