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Everything You Need To Know About Breast Reconstruction Surgery

Everything You Need To Know About Breast Reconstruction

According to statistics, breast reconstruction surgery accounted for nearly 109,256 procedures, indicating steady growth. This is the surgery generally performed to recreate the breasts after getting diagnosed with breast cancer. 

The surgery could be performed after mastectomy or along with it, depending on the patient’s condition. It helps them feel good about themselves and provides them with hope. Sadly, reports show that less than 23% of women are well-versed with breast reconstruction options. That’s why in this article, we’ll give a brief about the procedure, types, and advantages of the procedure. 

Let’s get started!

What Is Breast Reconstruction?

As the name suggests, it’s a surgery to reconstruct the breasts that get damaged due to cancer. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, one may require numerous surgeries. It can happen right after the cancer surgery or even months (if not years) later. Likewise, the surgeon may recommend a procedure for both breasts or just one to match the other. 

What Are The Different Types Of Surgery?

Generally, there are two types of surgeries- flap reconstruction and implant reconstruction. Some surgeons may also provide you with a hybrid reconstruction (also known as composite breast reconstruction) which is a procedure combining flap and implants. 

  • Flap Reconstruction: In this procedure, the surgeon takes autologous tissues from your body and uses them to create a bust. The surgeon may remove fat, blood vessels, muscle, or skin from the lower abdomen, thigh, back, or bottom for this purpose. The tissue removed is known as flaps. 

  • Implant Reconstruction: The surgeon uses silicone or saline implants to create a bust in this procedure. Implant reconstruction often occurs along with the mastectomy. It is often recommended to consult the surgeon about the duration to get the procedure so that the patient can recover well. 

What Type Of Surgery Should You Get?

The patients who got breast reconstructive by Dr. Neil Tanna explained that what type of surgery one should get depends on the following factors:

  • Your age, lifestyle, and overall health. 

  • Do you need additional treatment for cancer, such as radiation or chemotherapy?

  • What type of mastectomy or lumpectomy do you have? 

  • What are your desired appearance or goals?

  • Any previous surgery that you might have had, such as abdominal surgery. 

What Are The Advantages Of Surgery?

Mastectomy or lumpectomy procedures often affect the morale of the patient. Fortunately, reconstruction surgery helps in boosting self-confidence. Some people start to feel better as their clothes start to fit well, while some start feeling good about their appearance all over again. 

What Happens During The Surgery?

During the surgery, the doctor provides you with anesthesia so that you don’t feel any pain during the procedure. In case you are getting reconstruction along with mastectomy, the doctor will perform that procedure first. 

While you are sound asleep, the surgeon will place implants or flaps, depending on your selected procedure. They will also insert a thin tube, with one end under your skin and the other end sticking out of the chest. The tube will help drain the fluid and blood when you recover. 

It is critical to know everything about the treatment you wish to get. Consult your surgeon at every phase of the treatment and necessary answers to the questions.

Photo Credit: Photo by Jan Kopřiva on Unsplash

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