Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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Healthy Grieving: Here are a Few Tips to Help You Cope with Loss

Losing a loved one is one of the most significant losses people experience. It can be a moment of intense pain that can lead to stress and depression. There are a lot of emotions that can emerge during the grieving period, which can affect your daily life activities. Most often, people will feel angry, shocked, numb, in denial, sad, and lost without the person who died. Further grief can produce various physical symptoms such as GI discomfort, fatigue, nausea, shortness of breath, and forgetfulness. 

There are numerous ways to grieve, and the time range can be different from one person to another. Some people often cope with grief by suppressing their emotions and employing distraction methods. However, others who don't present emotions might use a different strategy. It's crucial to understand that the experiences of grief are highly diverse. If you are grieving, don't worry; you are in the right place. This article will explore tips to cope with loss and have healthy grieving.

Accept the Emotions 

One of the best practices for coping with grief is acceptance. It'sIt's essential to have a good cry if you feel like it. Accepting your emotions helps you to deal with them head-on, which is an excellent move to recovery. After a loss, some people might expect you to move on more quickly than you are ready to. Don't be in a rush. Take your time, and be assured that you will heal with time. You should also know that healing doesn't mean forgetting.

Preserve All the Memories

There are a lot of memories that you shared with your loved one. To overcome this loss, consider honoring the person and keeping their memories alive. Consider activities such as going for a charity walk and planting a tree in a garden in their honor. You can also create a memories box or folder and include photos, mementos, and quotes that remind you of the deceased person. You can write a journal or a letter to the person and write down your emotions and what you think of them.

Stay Connected with The Person You Have Lost

Accepting your loved one is gone is very critical when trying to heal from grief. However, you can still try to get connected with your loved ones in many different ways. You can read books that believe in life after death as an assurance that you will be reunited again in the afterlife. 

Other ways to maintain a bond with your loved one include using the deceased as a role model and part of your daily activities. For example, you can try imagining the decision your loved one would make in a particular situation. Additionally, consider talking to people who know your loved ones, such as family members and friends, to learn more about your loved one.

Participate in Rituals

There are different ways to remember and preserve the memories of your loved one. Some ways to help you through the first days include attending the funeral and memorial services. When you are interacting with other people it can help you cope with grief and can be comforting.

The above are incredible ways to help you deal with a loss. Always talk to a friend and be aware of when to seek help. You are not alone! Talk to friends and family for support. 

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Cover photo credit: Photo by Tom Barrett on Unsplash