Glitz and Glam By Tiff

View Original Mini Haul + Review

I am not a big online shopper... I like going to the mall and seeing things in person before I buy it, but I decided to give online shopping a try. I tried out a clothing website called, and I bought a couple of items. To me I feel like the quality that is shown in the photos on the website is not the same that is given in person (that's my opinion)... but on a positive note the items do come very quickly (To the US at least), and they do ship internationally. Check out my video on my Mini Haul + Review...

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IMG_6085 This is my favorite item that I purchased. I tend to but swimwear for no reason at all, but it always comes in handy... especially, because I live in So Cal.

IMG_6086 Don't mind the wrinkles... I literally had just taken it out of the package



What are your favorite places to shop online???