Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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New Year New Possibilities!!! Happy 2021!!!

Happy 2021!!!! We made it to a New Year!!! There are so many new possibilities and so many opportunities to grab a hold of. What ever you started last year, keep that going and don’t stop the momentum!!

I know a lot of people set goals and feel like they have to achieve so much in a certain amount of time, but planning for the year shouldn’t be about that. Go at your own pace and do what is the best for you personally. Celebrate all of the milestones and not just the really big ones.

For me this year is definitely about continuing on the path that I started last year and keep continuing to build from there.

Some new things that I have going on that I am super excited about are

I am co founder of Black SD Model Management and on the board for the Catalyst Black Academy, which is a non profit program through Black SD Magazine. Both businesses will provide resources in so many ways to the community and I am opening myself to step in to a different realm for my self to expand in as a teacher.

Click here to learn more about the Catalyst Black Academy

We are currently accepting new models and submissions.

Click here to apply

I hope you continue to follow your dreams this year and go after the things that matter most to you. I can’t wait to share more with you all on my journey as I go through the year.