Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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Remote Working Can Cut Costs In Business

Remote working is something that people have always been interested in. Until 2020 and the COVID-19 pandemic, it became necessary for a lot of businesses to go down this route if they wanted to survive. It became more and more important. Business owners have realized there are many benefits to offering remote working, and employees enjoy the work-life balance it brings about. 

If you’re a business owner and you’re not sure whether remote working is a good idea or not, just consider how much money it can save your business. Times are tight, and saving money is a priority for many businesses at the moment. With that in mind, here are some of the ways that remote working can cut costs for your business. Read for more below.

No Office Space Costs

Allowing your team to work remotely will save you money on an office space. Not only won’t you have to pay a high rent, but you won’t have to pay for utilities like gas, electricity, and water, and you won’t have to pay any taxes related to the building either. 


If you invest some of the money you would have spent on rent, You can invest in other business needs. Getting the right software, such as fire safety software, and technology, so your team can work from home with ease, you’ll make things better for everyone, and you’ll still save money. 

Less Sickness 

Another way that offering a remote-only working model in your business is that there will be less sickness. Studies have shown that workers are more likely to take days off due to sickness when they have to attend a physical place of work - it could be that the idea of the commute is too much for them to handle when they’re sick, or perhaps it’s the workplace itself that’s making them unwell. When employees aren’t at work, it’s going to cost your company money for many reasons, including sick pay and the fact that you’ll need to get other people to cover their work, potentially outsourcing if no one else can do it. 

People who work from home are less likely to call in sick. They have a better work-life balance, so their immune systems are healthier, plus, even if they are feeling a little under the weather, they might still do some work because their computer is only a few steps away. Of course, that’s not something you should encourage as an employer, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. 

More Productivity 

So this idea is less about saving money and making more money, but it all adds up to the same thing… bigger profits for your business. There has been a lot of talk over the past few years about whether or not people who work from home are more or less productive than those who work in offices, and the general consensus seems to be that remote workers get more done. 

A remote company can be more productive (= make more money). That has to be a good reason to try and push more remote work, right!? Why not give it a shot!!

This is a collaborative post. I am so grateful to all who contribute to Glitz and Glam By Tiff.