Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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The End of a Decade and What I have learned in 2019...

It is the end of the year!!! I honestly can’t believe how fast time has just gone by and how much I have accomplished recently. But, before we talk about 2019… I want to take it back a little bit. 2020 starts a whole new decade, and I have been thinking about my journey in the past 10 years. I have realized that I have not given myself enough credit for all of the growth that I have allowed in to my life and what I have overcome with in my life to get to where I am in the present.

In 2009 I was still in LA finishing up college and I moved back down to San Diego in 2010. Glitz and Glam by Tiff did not exist yet, but I knew that I was over school and didn’t ever want to go back!!! There were so many people around me that were pushing “getting educated” and made it seem like school was the only way. I knew with in myself that I wanted to branch out and do something else, but didn’t really know at the time what I really wanted to do or how to do it. Fashion, Dance and Music have always been things that I have loved but I had no idea how to bring them all together and turn it in to something (i’m slowly figuring it out now). Long story long… I started exploring San Diego in 2010 to see what the fashion scene had to offer. This is where my skills from networking in LA began to help me, because I have always been very shy and reserved, but Los Angeles taught me to get myself out there and to not be afraid to tell people my ideas and what I want to do. I knew I wanted to keep modeling, so I started going to open calls and found groups to get involved in to get my portfolio together. I started meeting all kinds of people with in the industry and made tons of friends who I am still cool with now. Fast forward a few years in… Modeling wasn’t really going how I was hoping that I thought it would for me, so I started exploring other possibilities. This is where blogging came in to play!!! I wanted a way to reach others with out having to be in another state or city and share my talents with out having to travel. I found these girls in San Diego that went to all of the events and starting becoming friends with them. Being part of The San Diego Style Bloggers was my first step in to the blogging world and I had no idea what I wanted to really do to get started. I just knew that I wanted to share what I was doing as a model, events that I was going to and people that I had the opportunity to collaborate and work with. I didn’t start sharing much of my personal life until about maybe 2 years ago. I have been adding different little things in little by little to the blog in the past 4 years and that’s why Glitz and Glam by Tiff is the way how it is now. I have now become event Queen, share my style tips and tricks and my skin care/hair routine. This coming year I want to add in a community aspect (mixing in Black Creatives SD) and bring more modeling back in. I have walked away from modeling, just because it wasn’t working for me any more. I do want to help launch others careers though, if that is the path that they desire to take. I also plan to host more events and want to connect more in person with people who follow me. One more thing… Dance is coming back as well!!! I miss it so much and I want to make an effort to bring it back in to my life. The studio floor is calling my name!!!

It took me about 10 years to really get everything together and I haven’t stopped since. As I look back I have realized that all the work what I have done in the past decade has set me up for success in the coming decade. I know it seems like a long time, trust me I have had so many doubts about my life so far. I have been so hard on myself thinking that what I want will never happen and that I should just do something else, but my passion has kept me here and I can’t throw everything away now!!! That would be crazy!! It took a while for my family and some of my close friends to really warm up to the idea of me just exploring and figuring out what I want to do. Honestly I’m still figuring it all out, and I am ok with that. The pieces are all coming together in an interesting way. Recently I have embraced that I am a connector and because I have been networking, making new friends and making new connections in different industries that I should use that to my advantage!! I am also passionate in helping the black creative community of San Diego be seen. I have been spreading my “Black Girl Magic” in the city for years and I feel like the black creative community needs more voices!!!! I started Black Creatives San Diego in September of this year and I am excited to bring more to this community in 2020!!! There is so much talent out there looking for a chance to be heard and to be seen! I want to help make that happen.

I have tried to run away multiple times from being a community leader, and I have come to terms that others look up to me. I don’t know why, but it is a really scary thing for me. Usually when I feel nervous, then I know that it is something that I have to do and the nerves will eventually go away (maybe). I have spent more time alone in 2019, not because I didn’t want to be around people, but because I needed time to figure out my next move. This year has been super challenging financially for me and I just recently got a FULL TIME job, because it was necessary. I have never in my adult life had a full time job. I have always had multiple jobs and just side hustled my butt off. This year it was time to pivot hard and make a few decisions that I honestly didn’t want to make. For a long time I fought with myself, because I thought that I would have to give up my brand and everything that I have worked so hard for, but I know now that I will just have to move a little bit differently and will have to adjust my schedule. My brand is here to stay!!! I will never give up what I love and want for my self. I have learned this year to believe more in myself and to be confident even though I may come off as different to some. I have found a new confidence that I don’t think that I ever had in my 20s. Doing the inner work to learn about yourself and figure out what you want and desire is so important!!! I plan to continue working on me, keep stepping out of my comfort zone and not let opinions of others (which will always be there) get in the way of my life and God’s plan for me. I am excited to start a whole new decade and dip in to the success that I know that I deserve!!! Thank you for being part of my journey!!! I hope I can continue to inspire you in some way!! Happy New Year!!!

New decade!! Let’s GO!!!!