Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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Top 4 Tips for Shopping with a New Born

Going shopping with your baby is a huge achievement. Leaving the comfort of your home with your little one and venturing into a world filled with aisles of items and people frantically looking for what to buy can be overwhelming at first. But once you give it a try, you'll not only discover that shopping with your baby is easy, you'll also enjoy the experience, along with your newborn.

Want to shop with your baby but don’t know how to prepare? Try out these top tips! 


1. Choose the Right Time to Shop

Before going shopping with your baby, you need to sit down and plan. One of your plans should center on the right time to shop.

Of course, you have 24 hours a day. So, when is the appropriate time to shop with your kid? Is it in the morning when he/she feels refreshed? In the afternoon, when he/she spends the most time sleeping? Or the cool evening when he/she is feeling all fuzzy?

So which is it?

Sorry to break it to you. There is no standard time as to when to go shopping with your baby. As a rule of thumb, you should plan your shopping and trips to the store around your baby’s nap. A happy, refreshed baby will make a shopping trip fun.


2. Go out with the Right Kind of Stroller

Do you plan on bringing your stroller with you to the shopping mall? Then you need to ensure that you are pushing the right kind of nuna trvl stroller designed for this purpose.

That said, what type of stroller is ideal for shopping with a newborn?

While there are many options out there, we advise going for something compact, light, and foldable. Plus, you might also look at a reversible stroller, which allows you to easily transition to your baby's direction. With such a stroller, you can monitor your baby easily while giving them the attention they need.  


3. Bring someone along with you

When shopping with a newborn, an extra pair of hands or a company can be a huge game-changer. You can consider taking someone along with you during your first few trips with your newborn. The individual could assist with pushing the baby in the stroller while you stack your cart with your groceries or the other way round. With an extra pair of hands, you can’t go wrong. 


4. Bring Comfort Items

It’s hard to predict the behavior of babies. One moment they are all smiley and on cloud nine, and the next, they are restless or worse, crying their eyes out. To reduce the chances of having a bad shopping experience with your baby due to these outbursts, ensure you take along comfort items.

The item can be a pacifier, a stuffed animal—basically anything they seem to be attached to, especially one that can soothe them. Grocery stores can be noisy at times. The chatter, movements, lights, and new environment might make your kid anxious. Bringing his comfort items along can help put his anxiety and fear in check.

Shopping with a newborn can be a nightmare or a memorable experience. It all boils down to how you plan. If you adopt the right plan, you’ll enjoy your trip to the grocery store, together with your little one. However, if you don’t, the outcome can leave you frustrated, dampening your desire to go on shopping with your baby.

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Cover photo credit: Photo by Jomjakkapat Parrueng on Unsplash