Warning Signs Indicating You Should See A Gynecologist
Warning Signs Indicating You Should See A Gynecologist
Women should be conscious about their reproductive health right from the onset of puberty. Yearly gynecological checks are recommended after you get sexually active, while pregnancy and menopause are other phases when you must opt for them regularly. Additionally, you should not overlook some warning signs and see a specialist sooner than later. You must address female health issues at the earliest as they may have grave implications. Here are a few warning indications you should see a gynecologist.
Painful periods
Menstrual periods may be uncomfortable and painful for some women. You may experience lower belly cramps, headaches, and sore breasts before and during the cycle. But watch out if the pain and bleeding go beyond the usual as they may indicate an underlying issue. Excessive pain may be an indication of endometriosis or uterine fibroids. These conditions require immediate diagnosis and timely treatment from a specialist, so seeing one is your best bet.
Vaginal bleeding
You may experience spotting during pregnancy or heavier periods near menopause. It makes sense to get a gynecologist's advice, although it may not be a reason to worry. Spotting may also occur when you start using some birth control measures. But unexpected vaginal bleeding after sexual intercourse and post-menopause is a reason to worry. You must see a gynecologist sooner than later to understand the underlying cause and start with treatment.
A bump on your genital area
A bump on the outer genital area warrants medical attention, even if it is small and painless. It may be a Bartholin's cyst, a formation caused by a blockage in the Bartholin glands. These glands create fluid to lubricate the vagina, and a blockage leads to fluid build-up. You may not experience pain and discomfort until the cyst gets infected, and it may even heal on its own. But you must get an exam because an infected cyst may require drainage or surgical removal.
Painful sex
Painful sex is another reason that warrants a medical visit, although most women ignore it and suffer in silence. Vaginal dryness is the underlying reason in most cases, and the solution is simple. Younger women may experience relief by changing their birth control prescription for treatment with more estrogen. Your gynecologist may recommend vaginal estrogen or a lubricant if you are post-menopausal. But remember to give attention to pain or discomfort during intercourse.
Another female health issue that requires a gynecologist's visit is incontinence, a condition characterized by accidental leakage of urine. Although incontinence is more common after menopause, women may encounter it after childbirth. It often happens due to the weakening of pelvic muscles. A diet change, medication, and pelvic exercises often resolve the problem. But you may require surgical treatment. Your gynecologist may even suggest seeing a behavioral therapist if the underlying cause is emotional rather than physical.
Your reproductive health should be a top priority, and you must pay attention to gynecological issues even after menopause. Ignoring symptoms can worsen the problem, so you must see a specialist at the smallest sign of something being amiss.