3 Tips To Help You Stay Active More Often
In life it can be tough to stay active. A lot of people tend to get bored or just don’t stay motivated, which leads to them just giving up. Having an active lifestyle is so important and so helpful for everyone!! It helps to reduce blood pressure and reduce your risks of having major diseases. It can have a great impact on you both physically and mentally.
Here are a few tips below that I hope will help you build a more active lifestyle and will have a lasting positive impact in your life.
Photo by madison lavern on Unsplash
3 Tips To Help You Stay Active More Often
1. Start slow
When you are starting out with any exercise or routine try and start off slow and don’t over do it. Try to break what ever it is that you want to do in to short sessions and do them more times a week or a day. So, do a 10 minute exercise twice a day morning and night and then as you get more comfortable you can up it each time. Remember to take your time and go at your own pace.
2. Set realistic goals
Make sure when you set your goals for what you want to achieve for staying active that you make sure they are achievable and specific to you. Try and set a long term goal for the year and then set daily and weekly goals that are achievable to keep you motivated . You will surprise yourself by seeing how far you have come through out the year.
3. Do things you enjoy
One thing that is important in building an active life, is to make sure it is actually something you enjoy!! You don’t want it to be a chore. If you enjoy skipping then skip, Ride a bike, skate, hike take a brisk walk, so on and so on. Some people have sports that they enjoy and turn that in to their active hobby. You could even start up your own local team, and maybe get some custom hockey shirts made and really make it into a thing which will help to make sure you remain motivated and excited to be part of an activity.
Having an active life doesn’t have to be complicated, just take it one day at a time and do what you love and enjoy. Hope that these tips will help you to stay motivated!!
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash