Glitz and Glam By Tiff

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6 Proven Ways to Improve the Look of Your Skin

One of the first features people focus on when they look at you is your face. Blemishes and acne can cause low self-esteem and make you want to hide your face from the world. You may be happy that we need to wear masks everywhere we go. However, hiding your skin will not solve anything. Here are some proven ways to improve the skin on your face fast. 

Moisturize your face regularly

A good moisturizer can help revive dry skin or prevent the development of dryness. It can also create a protective barrier between your skin and the climate or other elements that could cause irritation. We recommend moisturizing your face at least twice a day. In addition to using a moisturizer, it would help to hydrate your body from the inside out. Experts recommend you drink at least eight glasses of water to keep your skin supple and vibrant.

Skip the harsh products

If you have sensitive skin, it would be wise to steer clear of products that contain alcohol, astringents, and exfoliants. An excellent alternative would be to invest in hypoallergenic products gentler on your skin. Before using any product, apply a pea-sized amount behind the ear or on your neck and check for any allergic reaction. 

Go for a facial

A facial treatment can help address sagging skin, sun damage, uneven skin tone, loss of facial volume, and visible fine lines and wrinkles. Getting a facial at a reputable spa near you is also a great way to unwind and practice self-care. For instance, if you live in Boston, you could get facials at Dream Spa Medical and enjoy an exhilarating experience. Ensure you talk to your beautician about your concerns so that they can tailor their treatment to suit your needs. 

Wear sunscreen

Sunscreen can help reduce the damage from harmful UV rays in sunlight. Another known benefit of wearing sunscreen is that it reduces the appearance of sunspots and slows down the aging process. When buying sunscreen, it would be best to aim for SPF 30 and above so that your face can experience maximum protection. 

Don’t pop your pimples

Pimples are one way your body heals itself. They trap bacteria, oil, and sebum beneath the skin. Popping your pimples disrupts the healing process and creates an open wound on your skin. The liquids that come out of the pimple could also cause the surrounding skin to become infected. Therefore, it would be best to avoid popping your pimples. 

Use lukewarm water on your face

Hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, leaving you with dry skin. Your face could also develop some temporary redness because the hot water causes your superficial veins to dilate. It would be best to wash your face with lukewarm water, which will also get the job done equally as well. 

We guarantee you will notice a change in your skin if you follow the tips discussed above. However, if your acne is persistent or you don’t see any improvement in your skin, it would be wise to schedule an appointment with a licensed dermatologist.

Photo Credit: Photo by Kalos Skincare on Unsplash

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