Last Year in my 20s!!!

As you get older time moves sooooo fast!!!!

Today is November 3rd and it's my 29th Birthday!!!! Yes 29!! I know I don't look a day over 21 (so I've been told). I can't believe it's the last year of my 20s (AHHHH!!!) Time is going by way to fast!! I honestly don't let age define me, and I am excited for what this New Year of Life will bring.

Every year since I have started my blog... on My Birthday I do a little bit of a reflection of what has happened in the present year and things that I would like to work on and continue to grow from. I have done this for myself to look back on, but I also hope to help encourage others who may read this. May be someone will apply something I say to their life... We are here to grow together!!!

First I want to start off by saying Thank You for supporting Glitz and Glam By Tiff!!! This is my Baby and I am seriously over joyed and can't believe all of the Love that I have received this year. For me starting a Blog was just something that I thought would be good to combine with me being a Model, but it is turning out to be more than I could ever imagine!! I have been having so much fun connecting and meeting new people and I know that I will make even more connections along the way. 

**Blog Goals -  I have seen so much growth this year in the blog and have started working with different brands, which was one of my goals for the year!! I am going to continue to stay consistent, which was something that I am always working on. I'm not going to lie it has been hard juggling multiple jobs and having a ridiculous schedule, but writing my posts down for the week, deadlines and things that I need to schedule have really helped out. I also want to get my Youtube Channel back up and running!!! I have so many ideas, but 1 thing at a time it will all come together!! Stay tuned for that!! I will make an official announcement when I am back. Being a Blogger is more work than you even know, but I have been learning so much and want to constantly improve and post amazing content. If there's content that's your favorite that you would you would like to see me post more about. Let me know. I like being able to share content that helps others in Fashion, Modeling and just Life in general. 

**Relationship Goals - I am single... incase you were curious to know, and honestly I don't have a problem with it. I feel like other people around me (like my friends) make more of a big deal out of it than I do. I feel like the right Man will come in my life at the right time and maybe right now is just not the time. I haven't been in a rush before and I am not going to rush anything now. That's all I have to say on that subject. I do have to say that I am leaning to be more open with people. This will not happen over night (trust me). I am really shy, so I may come off very closed but I'm really not. I just take time to warm up.

** Life and Career Goals - Honestly 2016 has been a big rebrand year for me!! I have switched platforms (for the blog) several times and have been constantly finding ways to improve and build my brand. Investing in myself is something that seriously I am proud of. For a while I have done so much for others and have constantly put my self last. For the first time I think ever I have done something for ME!! I have also shifted my focus in the fashion industry and have found that I like working Behind the Scenes as much I like working in Front of the Camera and on the Runway. 2016 has also been a transition year I love being a model, but I have so many other talents that I am tapping into and want to continue to explore my options. I will always be a model, but I am so much more and I have a lot to offer within the industry. I will be integrating my portfolio into this site. I shut down my Model website this past week. Everything will now all be in one place. Keeping it simple is the way to go. I started teaching runway this year and I really love it. I do have plans to do runway workshops in 2017, so I am super excited to help more models learn about the industry and build their skills. Another thing that I would like to accomplish in 2017 is being able to Blog Full Time!! I have worked so hard to get this far, so I know I can do it!! I want to continue to learn more about Building and being and Entrepreneur. I have found that it is something that I am really interested in.

I know that I don't know everything and constant improvement is something that every one should work on, and should strive to do better!!

What are somethings that you have accomplished this year? what do you want to improve on?