Hello 2020

Hello New decade!!! Hello 2020!!!

Happy New Year!!!! (Is it too late to say that now??)

I feel like time is flying by and the blog has just been sitting for a little bit. I have tons to share this year with you and I am honestly just trying to get it together and get a flow going. Nothing is perfect over here!! I do not have a specific schedule at the moment, and I hope that is ok. Right now we are winging it!!!

If you read my end of the year post, then you know at the end of 2019 that I started a brand new job, so I have a whole different schedule to adjust to at the moment. My goal is to be as consistent as possible and post at least 1 time a week here. If you have been reading and following me for a while, then you know that some way some how, I always make it happen. I post more often on IG and share more of my day to day life over there. If you are new here and are interested you can follow me @glitzandglambytiff.

I have been thinking about You Tube and want to get some content up there again, but I am trying to figure out the best way to go about it. If you follow me on IG (@Glitzandglambytiff), then you have most likely seen that I share outfit idea videos every week on IGTV and that has been going pretty well. I’m thinking about adding it to You Tube as well, but I feel like I should do more looks or make them a bit longer in some way. If you have thoughts on that, please reach out to me!! I’d love to see what others think about short or long videos. I have videos up on my channel already, if you want to check them out you can >>>> Here.

Other things that I want to bring to the blog this year…

  • Fitness - I use to share this before and then it just kind of stopped. So, I plan to share my favorite studios through out San Diego again, some of my weekly work outs, what I do to stay in shape and my favorite healthy food and snacks. I have honestly been wanting to add this to the blog for a while and I feel like now is the perfect time to do it.

  • Hair and Skin care - I have shared this topic before on the blog, but I definitely want to add more!!!

  • Fashion - As always will be number 1 here, and I am always thinking of different ways to keep the content interesting for you to want to come back and see more.

Consistency has been my number ONE goal and that is what I will be continuing to work on it 2020 as well!!! As always, Thank you for being here and for your continued support of Glitz and Glam By Tiff!!!! Hope you are having a great start to the new year!!!!!

Check back for more soon!!!