My Trip to San Francisco


I know I haven't had a new post in a while.... That's because I was out of town!!! But, I am back and I am excited to share all about My Trip to San Francisco. My friend Christina, who is the designer of the line Taj Ambar and her BF Kenneth, Who is a photographer (KDJ Photography)... We all took a Road trip!!!! Christina had asked me to Model for her show, and I was super excited to have the opportunity to work the runway in a different city (other than LA and San Diego). We Left for SF Late Monday night and arrived on Tuesday morning!! Our first stop was to see the Golden Gate Bridge... **Side Note** I was not prepared for how cold it was out there in San Francisco!!! It was not So Cal Summer weather at all! This was my "First" time being in SF (I had been there when I was really little, but don't remember any of that...) After Golden Gate, we went to Breakfast, went shopping and then checked in to our hotel. That night we went out to dinner, and we completely forgot all about NBA Finals.... Golden State was playing in the last game for the BIG win, and there were Crazy fans everywhere!!! It was a crazy night!! Congrats Golden State!!!!







(I am aware that I looked a mess... we were sitting in the car for about 6 hours!! I slept for most of the ride)

Wednesday was the day of the Show, and it was a long day!!!! All of the other models were in the San Francisco and Nor Cali, except me... So I knew No One! But, I made some new friends!! The Fashion show was for the RAW showcase, and it was a different vibe from the other RAW artists showcases that I have been part of for Los Angeles and San Diego. It wasn't as organized and put together and ran super behind (by like an Hour and a Half). I was so sleepy!!! I thought the show was just OK.









Thursday was a rest day, and we went out later in the day in Downtown to the Largest Macy's that I have ever been to. It was super nice!!! 8 stories high and had a Cheesecake Factory at the very top, which over looked the City. It was super nice, and a great way to end a great trip!! We ate and took Cheesecake to go.





Friday we left San Francisco and went to Los Angeles.... Kenneth is a photographer for a radio show, so we stopped there, then later I hung out with my Bestie Blu!!! (everyone calls him my "Boo", but currently we are not together) We went to Dave and Busters, and Friday nights it's like the Club!!! There was a live DJ and everything. It was so much fun!!! (I don't go out often)





Saturday (Last day in LA) Myself, Christina and Her cousin we went to Brunch at this super cute Tea Café in Valencia. The food was so fresh, and they have the best Scones!!!!! (Fast forward) That night Me and Christina went to a Fashion show/ Gala called Style Africa, where they Honored different nominees that do different things to help the African and African American community. A couple of the Honorees included Michelle Williams (from Destiny's Child), Selita Ebanks (Super Model) and Isaiah Washington (Actor). It was cool being in the same room with those people and having the opportunity be able to go to such an amazing show.











Photo Credit: ItsBosun photo







We left LA Saturday Night and got back early Sunday morning (about 1 am)... I had to be at work (Sea World) at 7am. Talk about tired... my eyes were burning all day, until I got back home and was finally able to get sleep.

It was a crazy, exciting, adventurous week!!!! It was a week full of inside jokes (Random Quotes... never ending musicals) and I gained a New Family #AdoptAModel. I was able to make some good connections, so who knows what will happen next!!!


I think we (Me, Christina and Kenneth) will be laughing about these quotes for months... Jokes for days!!!! You had to be there to understand... There were a lot of off the wall moments!!!

"Stretch your A**??? I think he said Calves..." "These bathrooms smell like Kool aid" "Dang these bugs are Dry" "But... I don't want to sit down!" "Jurassic Park" "If you're not dead I'll Kill you!!" "This is the never ending musical" Nick is not our friend on this trip!!! (Side eye) "They spelt Night wrong!!!" "Tiiiiiffffaaannnnyyyy!!! (Emoji with Big eyes) (Berry White voice) you almost got snatched by your ankles"

Here's a Mini Vlog of my trip...

I would love to go back and visit San Francisco in the future!!!

Have you taken any fun trips lately?? Tell me about them :).