Test Shooting/Exploring North Park

Test shooting

I haven't really done any photo shoots as just a model in a while, so I was excited when one of my favorite photographers was looking to test out new equipment and do a shoot. Myself and Bree of Norang Photography walked around and explored North Park during this shoot. Shooting in public is always funny, because sometimes people will come up and ask questions and try to figure out why someone is following me around with a camera. The stories I can share are endless!!! Any way... There are so many cool little spots, hidden alley ways and murals in the area, so we took the time to walk around and get some great shots!!

here are some photos from the shoot... I'm sharing a couple of tips and things to think about when building your portfolio as well. 

As a model it is important to get out there and work on things like posing and being comfortable in front of the camera, even when you are not getting paid. Shooting both in studio and on location is a great way to get a variety of looks and also great practice for when you get booked. A studio shoot is very different from an on location shoot. Ask yourself are you prepared to be in the elements when it's cold and windy? Do you have experience working with Lighting and being in front of lights for a long period of time? 

Also, every photographer has their own way of shooting. Some photographers give lots of direction and want a specific look for the shot. Some photographers don't give any direction at all and it's up to you to free style. Are you comfortable posing freely?

Shoes: TargetSweater: H&M Pants and Vest: Cabi 

Shoes: Target

Sweater: H&M

Pants and Vest: Cabi 


As a model you should reach out to local photographers in your area, they often have times when they are not working on projects and will test with models. Photographers are working artists and are always on the look out to be better at their craft. It doesn't hurt to ask!!! Being a model is not easy... when you are not booking jobs, you have to get out there and get the work done your self. 

Networking is so important!!! Connecting with others in the industry will help you develop in to what ever model you choose to be.

Sweatshirt: TargetJacket: CabiJeans: Thrifted and DIY by Me

Sweatshirt: Target

Jacket: Cabi

Jeans: Thrifted and DIY by Me

Pants: Forever 21Shirt and Jacket: H&M

Pants: Forever 21

Shirt and Jacket: H&M

like I said in the beginning of this post its important to get out there and test with different photographers and try posing in different ways to help build your portfolio and your confidence. Test shoots are like practice for an important game!!! It will also help to show versatility when you are sending in photos for casting calls and projects. It's always fun for me to add great content to my portfolio. I hope that these tips help and encourage you to get out there and build an awesome portfolio!!! I look forward to doing more test shoots soon. I honestly haven't been on my model grind in a while and I am thinking about making a come back. I am always open to helping other models out there!! I am open to questions and always willing to help in any way that I can. I'll be sharing more soon!! ;).