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Is It Time to Work On Your Mental Wellbeing?

All of us want to be mentally well, but it might be harder than you think to make this a reality. The truth is that it can take a lot of work and effort to look after your mind properly, and it’s something that also often needs a lot of persistence if you are going to make it work as well as possible. In general, however, it’s perfectly possible to work on your mental wellbeing, and it’s something that you should be able to achieve easily enough if you put your mind to it.

Photo by Jill Wellington

In this post, we are going to take you through some of the main ideas you might want to consider when it comes to working on your mental wellbeing. As long as you have thought about the following, you should find that it’s a much simpler thing to achieve than you thought.

Keep Track Of Your Thoughts

You will find that being as aware as possible of your thoughts is going to help you a lot here. If you are able to keep track of your thoughts to some degree, that’s the kind of thing that is going to make a huge difference to your mental wellbeing. This is essentially what some might call mindfulness, and it’s just a case of trying to be aware of what your mind is doing moment to moment as best as you can.

If that sounds exhausting, that’s kind of the point! You will soon find that you are quite surprised by just how many thoughts you have and the ways in which they propel themselves forwards. Overall it can feel quite tiring to be aware of this, but the more you practice this kind of mindfulness, the less those thoughts will disturb you, and eventually they will become much less in general.

Keeping track of your thoughts in this way is always a good way to improve your mental wellbeing, so it’s something you should certainly make sure you are thinking about.


A strong meditation practice is one of the best things you can build up as well, and it’s going to mean that you have a much better ability to understand and appreciate what’s going on in your own mind - as well as developing the resilience to deal with it, which can be hard in itself. If you have never really meditated before, it’s something that you may wish to try soon, because it can be surprisingly effective in terms of helping you to improve your mental wellbeing.

All you really need to do is sit down in any comfortable position, close your eyes and bring your attention to the breath. When you notice it has wavered, just note that and come back to the breath. This will happen again and again. Don’t worry about it. Just keep on coming back to your breath each time.

If you do this for around twenty minutes a day, you will notice all of those advantages and benefits we talked about above, and you’ll find that you are considerably happier in no time

Move Around

Photo by Zakaria Boumliha

A really important part of improving your mental wellbeing is making sure that you are finding time to move around at least a little. As long as you are moving around enough, it’s going to mean that you can much more effectively keep your body healthy, and this means in turn that your mind is going to be much healthier too. So it’s a really simple but hugely important thing that you need to make sure you are thinking about.

For most people, a few short sessions of exercise a week is perfectly sufficient. Do that, and you’ll find that you are much more mentally strong overall in no time.

Spend Time With Friends

Your friends are another really vital part of improving your mental wellbeing, and you’ll want to make sure you are spending plenty of time with them if you want to be happy too. What you do with them is up to you, but make sure that you are finding time for having lots of fun. You could hang out and chat, play cards and mahjong, play some video games, or whatever you want. The point is that you are spending quality time with the people who matter to you.

Spending time with friends is really important, so make sure you don’t overlook it.

Give To Others

There is plenty of research that suggests that giving to others is hugely beneficial for one’s mental health. If you don’t believe it, try giving something away to someone in need and see what it does for you. You might be surprised at what effect it has on you. Giving to others is relatively simple, and the kind of thing you can introduce into your life easily enough, and yet the effects for you and the people you are giving to can be profound.

So you should definitely try this if you want to make sure that you are happier and living a fuller, more meaningful life. You will find that this is a really important part of that.


Learning how to really relax is hugely important too, and the kind of thing that you will want to make sure you are thinking about if you are keen on improving your mental wellbeing as much as possible. If you struggle to relax at the moment, you will want to look into this for sure. It’s actually a skill, and the sooner you learn it, the better it will be for you.

Good and regular relaxation is a vital way to make sure that you are improving your mental wellbeing, so make sure that you are thinking about this.