Self love on Valentine's Day

Today is Valentine’s Day and to me it’s not a big deal or a huge “Holiday” that is super important!!! It is after all just one day out of the year that some one at some point in time made to be the day for love. But, what about the rest of the year? don’t the rest of the 364 days of the year deserve love too?

As I have gotten older I have made myself and my well being more of a priority and I feel like it is something that we all should pay more attention to. Check in with your self!! Think to yourself every week “Am I doing ok?” “Do I need a break?” With the rise of mental health awareness it is important to do a check in every now and again. Get a nap in if you’re tired!! Say No if you really aren’t in to doing something that some one else is asking from you. It is ok to not do everything all the time. I have definitely learned that breaks are needed and are important in life. I am by no means perfect myself. everything is a constant work in progress.

Remember that when No one else is around, all you have is YOU!!! Do you love you? If your answer is No or if you are unsure, then you have some work to do. Self Love and Self Care is not selfish!!!

This Valentine’s Day and every day of the year for that matter… Start falling in more love with yourself and don’t look for someone else to just give you that love that you may be missing or need to fill in some way.

I personally have a date with my bed and Netflix tonight!! It has been a long week!!! Time to turn off for a little bit!!!

Hope you have an amazing time celebrating love today and for the rest of the year!!! <3 <3 <3