Skin Care Routines Are Key According To Experts

A skincare routine will help protect your skin, which is the bare minimum when it comes to self-love and self-care. New products are flocking the market with promises that seem too good to be true, it is now hard to find a simple skincare routine, let alone sticking to one. However, it is surprising how the simplest skincare routines always give the best results. You do not need to go overboard to achieve that perfect, radiant and glowing skin. Below are key skincare routines that will help you get your dream glowing skin, according to experts:

Hydrate! Hydrate!

Keeping your body hydrated may sound like a cliché but it works like a charm. Hydrating is key if you want perfect skin. Like all body organs, the skin, as the largest organ, requires water to function well. Remember, water detoxifies your body which helps maintain a balanced PH. It is also vital in keeping your skin hydrated. Eating fruits and vegetables high in water content such as watermelon, cucumber, apples, celery, lettuce, peaches, and so on will help you stay hydrated. Remember that less water is more sagging, and that is not what you want for your skin.

You Are What You Eat

This cannot be emphasized enough. Your skin will mirror what you eat. Sticking to a healthy diet will get you closer to your dream skin. It may not be possible to turn back your age, but a healthy diet will make your skin look younger. Research suggests that some conditions such as acne and psoriasis can be improved with a healthy diet. Eating greasy and refined foods lead to an increase in free radicals in your body. Free radicals are the enemy to your skin as they damage the skin. It is important to eat more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins if you want healthy skin.

Sleep Better

There is no way around it when it comes to this. Those 7 to 9 hours of sleep are beneficial to your skin. Sleep works wonders when it comes to bringing that glow to the skin. The bags that appear under your eyes when you do not sleep clearly indicate that sleep is essential for glowing skin. Sleep helps your skin repair, rejuvenate, and increase blood flow to the skin, resulting in a glow. On the other hand, lack of sleep makes your skin look dull, tired, and saggy, which is not what you want.

Love Your Sunscreen

The sun may be good for lighting but not for your skin. Daily exposure to UV contributes to the visible signs of aging. UV rays will suck away the skin's smooth texture along with the glow out of your skin. Sunscreen protects your skin from harsh sun rays. If you are an outdoor person, you should apply your sunscreen twice a day for maximum protection.  There is a broad-spectrum sunscreen on the market, but dermatologists suggest that the best sunscreen has an SPF of 30 and above.

Exfoliate Occasionally

When you understand the importance of exfoliation of the skin, you will know why it is indispensable. Exfoliating is important as it helps you get rid of layers of dead skin and gives space to the newly formed skin. We shed dead skin as we age, and this process may need your attention. That is why it is important to exfoliate. It is suggested that you exfoliate at least twice a week to achieve a healthier glow. There are various exfoliators on the market, but it is important to choose a pH-neutral product that does not dry as it exfoliates. Remember to exfoliate the whole body and just not the face.

Cleanse Twice A Day

Clean skin is one of the steps of any skincare routine. Cleansing is essential as it helps you get rid of excess oils, make-up residues, dead skin cells, and any other dirt. It is important to use the right cleanser that will work for your skin type. For instance, if you have oily skin, you will need a cleanser with benzoyl peroxide as it helps get rid of acne. A milky cleanser is suitable for dry skin and so on. However, please do not go all out with cleansing, as too much of it can strip off essential oils from your skin and can interfere with your skin's natural PH. The best way is cleansing at most twice a day.


Moisturizing helps to hydrate the skin externally to avoid it being too dry or too oily. It is advisable to moisturize twice a day, in the morning and before you sleep. Moisturizing helps to protect and repair the barriers to your skin hence keeping it healthy and glowing. Moisturizers come in different forms, such as lotions, creams, serums, and gels. Nevertheless, it is important to pick a moisturizer that will favor your skin type. Find a moisturizer that is gentle to you and causes no irritation.

Work Out

If you want healthy glowing skin, you will have to move it. This does not mean that you have to lift weight to achieve that amazing skin. Whatever interests you, just go for it: Yoga, running, Zumba, aerobics, or skipping rope. When you get your body moving, it improves blood circulation and accelerates your body's cleansing process. Exercise also helps you release toxins from your body and skin through sweating. This results in healthier and glowing skin. It is important to cleanse your face after working out.

Everyone dreams of healthy and glowing skin, and it is achievable if you work for it. The good news is that you do not have to turn your life completely around to achieve glowing skin. I hope that these tips above will help you as you work on your skin.

This is a guest post. I appreciate all who contribute articles for!

Cover Photo Credit: Photo by Good Skin Club on Unsplash