This is 31!!!!!

Today is a special day… It’s my BIRTHDAY!!! I am 31!!! yes y’all 31!!! Most people don’t believe me when I share my age with them and as I get older I get a little younger (haha). My secret is to stay moisturized, hydrated and mind your business. Trust me it will get you far ;).

All jokes aside chapter 30 I feel opened up a lot of doors and opportunities for me. I did things that I dreamed about and I think that I have trusted myself and my personal process more than I ever have before. I had to learn to stop doubting myself and believe in my personal abilities. I also blocked out a lot of outer chatter buckled down and just worked! So if you barely heard from me this year… I’m sorry I had work to do. Nothing personal I promise.

Reflecting on my birthday is some thing that I do every year and I have been sharing it here on the blog in the past several years. It is always fun for me to look back on.

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I feel like I finally have a mini tribe that has formed this year and I love you all!! I’m always excited to share my accomplishments and insights on what I am doing. Your support and love has been amazing!! Thank you!! I’m also happy to know that I help motivate others as well to do what they love!! Keep going you got this!!!

Self love and care has been the top priority for me more than it ever has been before! I have walked away from a lot of things that just weren’t working for me and chose to focus on the things that were (or I should say things that are). I am picky about who I work with and put more energy in to what is helping my brand elevate. I have also experimented and have tested out different things as well with my social platforms, and let me tell y’all… it has been working. Don’t be afraid to get out there and just try. you have the power to grow your brand and presence. The more time you put in and stay focused on what you want that is what you will gain. I cut back on my hours at my regular job this year to put more focus on building Glitz and Glam by Tiff, and I am not going to lie… It has been hard, but it is starting to pay off. I have traveled more this year and plan to keep that going in to the years coming up. It’s all happening!! Speaking all positive things in to existence!! I am living my life like it’s GOLDEN, because it is!!

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I have learned to block out the negative and keep a positive mind set in all things, trust me it took some time to get to this place. I also keep positive friends around me and keep all things in life light and fun, because life doesn’t have to be hard unless you make it that way. I have been the happiest I have ever been and I hope that it has rubbed off just a little bit on everyone that I have encountered recently! I have also been more quiet and keep more to myself. I don’t like drama and never have time for it, so I will always see myself out.

Over all I think year 30 was a time for me to really get to know myself… Learn what makes me happy and figure out what I truly need and not just what I want or try to follow a “crowd”. Timing is honestly everything and sometimes things will not happen the way how you think it will. I don’t know everything and continue to grow everyday. That is important!!

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This brings me to the last part of this post and what I have been questioned the most about lately… My Love life. I have never had more questions ever about who I am dating or if I am dating, if I am married, the list goes on… Y’all need to let people live their lives sheeeeesh!!

To answer everybody’s hundreds of questions the answer is I am SINGLE!! I’m not really mingling either. I know you all have seen me with one certain person a lot in the past couple of years and I am not going to lie we do have a special relationship, but it’s not what you think. ok! That’s all I’m going to say about that.

Anyway dating and relationships have been the hardest thing in life for me. believe it or not… for one thing I move at my own pace, I am confident on my own and I don’t really need a man (I know that sounds crazy). I would love to have someone around who understands that. I don’t like to be smothered and I would rather have a team player or partner in crime (not real crime of course) and not have some one who is in the relationship for personal gain or vice versa. I think it’s best that 2 people who are in a relationship should be ok with them selves and not lean on someone for something that they may be “missing in their life”. I believe that people need to be able to unpack and deal with their own issues before being able to be with someone else.

With that being said… I am not in a hurry, never have been in a hurry and might never be in a hurry to be in a relationship right away with anyone. I know that there is a man out there for me and have come to terms that its going to take time, so I am being patient. I know that I deserve love from someone else and that it will come when it’s suppose to.

Relationships take work and serious commitment, and it’s not something that I want to play around with (who ever I end up with though… trust me we will have the best time ever!!!).

Now stop asking me about my love life!!! I am out here building an empire!!

I am ready for chapter 31!!! It is going to be bigger and better than ever!! Let’s do this!!

Photo Credit: Blu Lindsey [Thank you for putting up with me and my crazy ideas]