What To Do When Your Leather Boots Get Wet

When you're caught in an unexpected downpour, your shoes often bear the brunt of the weather. Water damage can be unsightly, especially on leather boots. Knowing what to do when your leather boots get wet can save them from damage and keep them looking fabulous. Here's a handy guide to ensure your boots remain in top shape.

Quick First Aid

The moment you get home, grab a soft cloth and gently wipe off any dirt or grime that might have stuck to your boots. Doing this immediately is crucial, otherwise, the dirt will soak into the leather along with the water, making the cleanup process much more difficult.

Air Dry at Room Temperature

Drying your boots properly is key to preserving their structure and appearance. If your boots have laces or removable insoles, take them out to prevent water from settling in. Stuff your boots with newspaper to absorb moisture from the inside. Remember to replace the newspaper as it gets damp.

Also, prop your boots against the wall with the heels on the floor rather than just leaving them flat. This technique improves airflow around the soles, speeding up the drying process. Avoid placing them near direct heat sources, such as radiators or fireplaces, as this can cause the leather to crack.

Conditioning Your Leather

Once your boots are completely dry, give them some TLC. Conditioning your leather boots helps restore their natural oils, which might have been stripped away by the water. Apply a high-quality leather conditioner evenly across the surface of the boots. This not only revives the leather but also provides a protective layer against future moisture. Conditioners are also great for protecting other items like leather bags. Think of it as giving your boots and other leather goods a nourishing face mask.

Preventive Measures

Waterproofing spray is a key accessory for boot owners. Once you’ve restored your boots, apply a waterproofing spray. Find a spray that’s tailored for your specific type of leather, whether it’s suede or top-grain leather.

Make sure to spray your boots evenly and allow them to dry completely before wearing them. Regularly reapplying the waterproofing spray ensures that your boots remain protected against unexpected showers.

Knowing what to do when your leather boots get wet can make a world of difference in maintaining their beauty and durability. By following these steps you'll keep your boots looking and feeling great for years to come. So, the next time the weather turns against you, you'll be prepared to give your boots the care they need.